Members and Guests,
Lensmasters is on Zoom.
Join us 7pm First and Third Wednesday’s at this link.
You’ll learn interesting insights in photography and visual presentation, all in a Toastmasters’ format… and all ON EASY TO USE ZOOM.
Members and Guests,
Lensmasters is on Zoom.
Join us 7pm First and Third Wednesday’s at this link.
You’ll learn interesting insights in photography and visual presentation, all in a Toastmasters’ format… and all ON EASY TO USE ZOOM.
Anthropomorphic: The showing or treating of animals, gods and objects as if they are human in appearance, character or behavior. The books “Alice in Wonderland”, “Peter Rabbit”, and “Winnie-the-Pooh” are classic examples of anthropomorphism.
This meeting’s photo winner were Marc for Spotlight and Vicky for Watery Eyes.
Philip Ritchie gave us a photo tip and photo challenge for the next meeting. Our next assignment will be ‘The doorway’ which is to shoot a partially open doorway with something interesting on the other side that makes the viewer want to open the door. Phillip has graciously offered the winner of the next table topics best photo to spend an evening with him at his studio to further develop their creativity. Winner must be a paid member of Lensmasters. Whoo hoo!
On February 20, 2019 Lensmasters held an open house with regularly attending members plus an additional 8 guests. We heard from member Luz Soto as she delivered the speech “The Meaning of Toastmasters in My Life.” John Hawkins spoke about how “Everyone Can Pose Better to Look Their Best.” After a short break, John held a demonstration of how to pose your subject for flattering results. We paired up and took turns directing each other as “photographer” and “model” to practice the techniques. The evening was great fun and we all learned a new skill that can be put to practical use the next time we are out photographing our friends and loved ones. Part two of John’s class is scheduled for March 20.
The challenge for this meeting was to evoke an emotion in your image.